作者/来源: 点击率:4403 发布时间:2006-11-17
假如你正在挖空心思想以一个匠心独特的方式抓住招聘官眼球的话,不妨从 Aleksey Vayner身上得到一些提示而且还可以浏览您的个人视频。
Moines公司的首席高级招聘官员Trish Stueckradt说,如果一份简历在头15秒钟不能吸引她的话,她觉得同样也不能够抓住招聘经理的眼光。
“越简洁越好”人力资源管理领域的专家Tom Darrow如是说。他指出:“最好的方法就是按照公司要求的去做。”Darrow也是Talent Connections(亚特兰大的一家招聘公司)的创始人和董事长。
如果是以电子方式发送简历的话,可以以 e-mail附件的方式发送。
Stueckradt建议使用 Word文档,因为很多公司都是用这种软件的。
1.邮寄CD 或是 DVD,因为要占用招聘官很多时间,精力。除非你申请的是一种影视或艺术方面的工作,并督导明确。
Principal Financial 集团的IT招聘经理Andrew Haning说:越来越多的公司使用网络招聘,因此语言独特丰富是更为重要的。求职者在发送纸制简历之前,都必须先进行网申。
When it comes to resumes, remember less is moreWant to impress a potential boss with your resume?
If you’re contemplating a creative, quirky, unique way to grab a hiring manager’s attention, take a hint from Aleksey Vayner and skip the personal video.
Vayner, a Yale University student and aspiring investment banker, submitted a seven-minute video resume to a potential employer. (Check it out at )
In the video, titled “Impossible Is Nothing,” he showcases his physical abilities — grunting with exertion while apparently bench-pressing nearly 500 pounds, performing a suggestive ballroom dance with a scantily clad woman, and hitting the tennis courts with supposedly a 140 mph serve.
The video eventually found its way to YouTube, and the rest is history. He thought the video would help him stand out among applicants and that his success in physical pursuits would prove useful in his banking career, according to an interview in The New York Times.
Recruiters told WorkBytes that under no circumstances are personal videos acceptable — ever. They said resumes should be concise, detailed and relevant to the job you seek.
Trish Stueckradt, senior recruiter with Executive Resources in Des Moines, said if a resume doesn’t grab her within 15 seconds, then she knows it won’t catch the attention of a hiring manager, either.
“Any time you send a resume, that’s the first impression that a client receives from you,” Stueckradt said. It can also foreshadow what the quality of your work will look like, should you get hired.
“Less is more,” said Tom Darrow, an expert with the Society for Human Resource Management.
“The best way to do it is the way the company wants you to do it,” said Darrow, founder and principal of Talent Connections, a recruiting firm in Atlanta.
Recruiters gave us resume dos and don’ts:
Do:Use bullets with phrases, not sentences.
Be consistent. That includes the format of dates (like using only years, or listing months and years), and uniform font and spacing.
Include a summary of skills at the top of the resume. Follow that with job experience and education, which includes specific licenses you have or tests you’ve passed. She said recent college graduates can include information such as a grade-point average (anything over a 3.0) at the top of a resume. Seasoned workers should put that information at the bottom.
Include a specific objective in your resume.
Use strong verbs. Verbs such as “directed,” “managed,” “developed,” “coordinated,” “overcame” and “fixed” show that “you’re a person of action … a person of not just effort, but accomplishment,” said Darrow, who has been in the recruiting business for nearly 20 years.
Include keywords specific to your industry to make your resume “pop.”
Check your grammar and use spell check.
Use reverse chronological order when listing job experience.
Keep it brief. Resumes should be no more than two pages.
If you’re sending your resume electronically, send it as an attachment to an e-mail. Stueckradt suggests using Microsoft Word because many companies use that software.
Don’t: Send a CD or DVD. They’re too much time and work for recruiters. Unless you’re applying for a video or graphic arts job, steer clear of them.
Lie. Companies will check whether you really had that job title or have that master’s. You will get caught.
Include hobbies.
More companies are requiring candidates to apply online, making polished language and detail in resumes even more important, said Andrew Haning, IT employment manager for Principal Financial Group. Job seekers who send paper resumes, he said, are referred to the online application.
If you’re using an electronic format, keep it simple, Haning said. That makes it easier to cut and paste the resume onto a form online.
He said a new trend is for applicants to send head shots of themselves.
“We don’t need that,” he said. “We always hire the best person for the job. We don’t want to take those things into account for pre-screening.”