作者/来源: 点击率:3986 发布时间:2005-10-28
在由六名成员组成的负责建立一套供艾科客户使用的网络应用程序的软件开发小组担任首席开发员。艾科为它的客户(包括一些财富500强企业)提供高端的互联网工具、咨询以及服务来维护和更新网站。作为首席开发员,我工作的一部分是与项目经理合作,评估项目目标,调查客户需求,并按时起草计划。项目需要运用Java, DHTML, SQL服务器以及Java描述语言等多种语言。在财富500强的一家金融公司的非技术最终用户群体中完成了正式投入使用前的试用工作。项目比最终期限提前两周完成。在项目交付之后,继续进行对软件的调整改进和额外用户试验等工作。为小群体的最终用户介绍如何使用这个应用软件。
• 履历本质上是简历的另外一个名字。也就是说,你不需要重新写一份履历,而只需要思考一下该添加那些细节内容以及如何重新安排简历里的内容。
• 你的美式简历是否能被你正在申请的国际公司所接受呢?也许他们能够接受。你需要和公司确认一下。
• 寻找员工为自己海外工作的美国公司仍然希望收到美式的简历。所以如果你正在申请这样的公司,不需要为履历劳心费神了。
Turning a Resume into a CVTurning your American-style resume into a CV should not be a much-dreaded ordeal. The changes may simply be a matter of expanding job descriptions, adding personal details and including a summary of your skills and experience. Refer to our sample CV as you revise your resume. Here is a how-to guide to help you in the process:
1. At the start of your CV (along with your address and contact information) include personal details typically left out of a resume -- namely, your marital status and nationality.
2. Write a summary of your skills and experience as an introduction to potential employers. Our sample CV accomplishes this with a list of positions held and an overview of the applicant's previous responsibilities, accomplishments and skills. Think of this information, along with the other details in the first one or two pages of your CV, as a quick guide to the more in-depth descriptions that follow.
3. Add considerable detail to job descriptions. An American-style resume emphasizes brevity; a CV does not. In a CV, job descriptions, rather than telegraphing details, should explain employment in depth, with references to specific projects, responsibilities and accomplishments. Consider the differences between the following two job descriptions. The first describes the position adequately for a resume, but the second (for the CV) enhances the description, giving the potential employer a much deeper sense of the applicant's work experience.
Resume-style:Ecco Software Enterprises, Inc. (Feb. 1997 to March 1999)
Software Developer
Created Java applications for client Web sites, including database-driven programs to allow clients to update Web pages. Worked with project manager to assure quick response to client-requested updates.
CV-style:Ecco Software Enterprises, Inc. (Feb. 1997 to March 1999)
Software Developer
Served as lead developer on a six-person team charged with building a suite of Web applications for use by Ecco clients. Ecco provides its clients, including several Fortune 500 companies, with high-end Internet tools, consulting and services for maintaining and updating Web sites. As lead developer, tasks included working with the project manager to assess goals, interpret client requests and construct a plan for meeting deadlines. Project included the use of Java, DHTML, SQL Server and JavaScript. Managed prelaunch testing with nontechnical end-users at Fortune 500 financial company. Project delivered two weeks in advance of deadline. Following project delivery, work continued on fine-tuning application and testing with additional clients. Delivered presentations to small groups of end-users on use of application.
4. Consider including a section with publications, speeches, training courses and other accomplishments. Depending on your field -- and your accomplishments -- this section can be crucial in giving a potential employer a sense of your qualifications. If you have given six speeches at conferences, for instance, provide the topics, the locations and brief descriptions of each. The same goes for publications and courses you have completed.
5. Include details about any other special skills, interests and hobbies. You need not limit yourself to a single line outlining personal interests. Describe interests in detail, especially if they have some relevance to your potential success in an international position.
Quick TipsDo You Need a CV?You've spent the last weekend writing and rewriting your resume, and now you learn you need something else entirely -- a curriculum vitae. Take a deep breath, calm down and prepare for some reassuring advice:
•A curriculum vitae is essentially another name for a resume. In other words, you don't need to prepare for a wholesale reworking of your resume, so much as you need to think about adding detail and reordering what you already have.
•Is your brief, American-style resume acceptable to a potential international employer? It may be. Check with the company.
•US companies looking for workers to live abroad will still want a US-style resume. Don't bother with a CV.