出生年月: 1968年11月
研究方向: 多相催化、能源化学及化学能源
1991年毕业于河北师范大学化学系,获理学学士学位;1994年6月于中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所获理学硕士学位;1997年8月于中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所获工学博士学位,1994年获中科院院长奖学金优秀奖。2001年1月至2002年7月, 作为KISTEP FELLOW,在韩国化学研究所从事燃料电池氢源方面的基础及应用基础研究。2003年9月至2005年10月,先后作为客员研究员和客员教授,在日本北九州市立大学从事先进的GTL技术方面的研究开发工作。在国内外重要刊物发表论文30余篇,授权中国发明专利1项。
Zhong-Wen Liu, Xiaohong Li, Kenji Asami and Kaoru Fujimoto, High performance Pd/beta catalyst for the production of gasoline-range iso-paraffins via Modified Fischer-Tropsch reaction, Applied Catalysis A: Gen, 2006, 300(2): 162-169.
Zhong-Wen Liu, Xiaohong Li, Kenji Asami and Kaoru Fujimoto, Insights into Multifunctional Hybrid Catalyst Composed of Co/SiO2 and Pd/beta for Iso-paraffin Production from Syngas, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2005, 44 (19):7329-7336.
Zhong-Wen Liu, Xiaohong Li, Kenji Asami and Kaoru Fujimoto, Formation of Iso-paraffins through Pd/beta-zeolite Application in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Energy & Fuels, 2005,19 (5): 1790-1794.
Zhong-Wen Liu, Xiaohong Li, Kenji Asami and Kaoru Fujimoto, Iso-paraffins synthesis from Modified Fischer-Tropsch reaction-insights into Pd/beta and Pt/beta catalysts, Catalysis Today, 2005,104(1): 41-47.
Zhong-Wen Liu, Xiaohong Li, Kenji Asami and Kaoru Fujimoto, Selective Production of Iso-paraffins from Syngas over Co/SiO2 and Pd/beta Hybrid Catalysts, Catalysis Communications, 2005, 6(8): 503-506.
Zhong-Wen Liu, Hyun-Seog Roh, Ki-Won Jun, H.S. Potdar and Min Ji, CO2 Reforming of Methane over Ni on MgO-Precoated Al2O3, Journal of Industrial Engineering Chemistry, 2003, 9(5): 576.
Zhong-Wen Liu, Ki-Won Jun, Hyun-Seog Roh, Sang-Eon Park and Young-Sam Oh, Partial oxidation of methane over nickel catalysts supported on various aluminas, Korean Journal. of Chemical Engineering, 2002, 19: 735-741.
Zhong-Wen Liu, Ki-Won Jun, Hyun-Seog Roh and Sang-Eon Park, Hydrogen production for fuel cells through methane reforming at low temperatures, Journal of Power sources, 2002, 111: 283.
Zhong-Wen Liu, Ki-Won Jun, Hyun-Seog Roh, Seung-Chan Baek and Sang-Eon Park, Pulse study on the partial oxidation of methane over Ni/θ-Al2O3 catalyst, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 2002, 189: 283.
Xiangyun Guo, Zhongwen Liu and Bin Zhong, Monte Carlo simulation of coke formation in zeolites, Microporous and mesoporous Materials, 1998, 23(3/4):203